Saturday, April 9, 2011

Can l grow back my gums?I begin to see receding gums on couple of my teeth and begin to worry.

Does using mouthwash help? What about Listerine? Will the chemicals in them make it worst for my gums?I don't want to make this problem worst because l don't have dental insurance. I already brush twice a day,and using a store brand mouth wash. What brand of mouthwash,tooth brush/tooth paste work best to prevent further damage? What does a dentist do to make gums grow back( like gingivists)?
When receding gums occur the result will be is that the root surface is exposed. Gum breakdown or gum recession is a process that can be progressive and gradually expose more root surface. And added to that, severe recession can endanger that tooth's long-term survival. Dental appointments can help maintain the stability of periodontal health and prevent problems that are still minor before they become major ones. Dental instructions and good oral hygiene habits should be given utmost importance. When gum disease is treated properly and gum health is maintained. long lasting, healthy teeth and gums are expected to be end result. for more tips on gum health care visit

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