Saturday, April 9, 2011

Insurance/benefits question?

Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Health Plans, Dental Plans, Drug plans, Just how does all this stuff work? I'm only 16 but I want to learn this stuff ahead of time.
Relax. Don't smoke or do drugs. Don't drink alcohol. Avoid trans-fats. Exercise regularly. Brush (soft bristles) your teeth twice a day. Get a good education. When you get a full-time job and are self-supporting, then you can worry about the other stuff. Your employer will tell you what plans are available, what they cover and what they cost. If you're working now, invest in a Roth IRA. I suggest you look at Vanguard's S&P 500 Index fund. If you can get $12,000 invested before you are 24, you will never have any retirement worries.

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