Saturday, April 9, 2011

I need dental advice?

I have not been to a dentist in many years because of no dental problems and no insurance. Just recently I have a on & off problem with my bottom front tooth and gum being sore. It goes away when I take asprins, but tends to come back again . I cant afford a dentist at this time. Any ideas what the problem could be?
Idk cuz I'm no dentist but if I were u I would really go now while tha pain is not too bad and can b controled a lot insurance? ur not tha first I'm sure they have other patients who have tha same problem..go 4 a cleaning and exams and have tha dentist take a look then..some times they have new patient specials that include xrays and a cleaning and often a exam too all for maybe 25-35 bucks (depending on area and practice too). Also, u can call tha office and explain to them u need and want to b seen for a check up and cuz u are having some pain and just let them know u dh insurance and if they could work with on a payment plan..b honest with them about how much u can afford to pay and make sure u pay on time (this helps them trust u a lil more and that u need in tha long run..never know what else will come up).U can check into some dental schools too it's a lot cheaper but it takes a lot more time too so, personally I would go with finding a dentist who understands ur needs and concern and one who is willing to help u. I would make a appt for a cleaning xrays and exam and pay for that in cash and full (idt u can pay half any way) and then go from there about ur pain and what could b going on and see first if they can set up a payment plan for u..if not get a small loan (only how much u need to treat tha problem) and then pay that off lil at a time..don't get one unless they can not work with u. If u need to talk more send me a email..I'm no dentist but I can try and help u as much as I can.

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