Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Does anyone have any suggestions for self extraction of a chipped tooth?

I have to pull this tooth it hurts more and more and I think it might get infected. I have no money or insurance so I don't know what else to do. I tried to use plyers but its in there so tight. Should I cut through the gum and what can I use to prevent infection besides peroxide. And is there anything that could tenderize the gums so it might loosen up. It feels like I could crush it with the plyers and that would bad. Is there anyone out there that is not quite a dentist and needs some one to practice on? It hurts so bad I am thinking of getting myself convicted cause I think they might do it Im not sure. Its hard to concentrate and think logically right now but I am going crazy and I need to do something. What did people do before dentistry? Please punch me in the face lower left side knock my tooth out. Mental Dental caveman tooth extraction. I'll borrow money from the mob. What should I do cut the gum should I get drunk first then I will slip and cut my whole mouth open.
Do not pull it out yourself. It will get infected. Go and get some clove oil from the pharmacy. That will numb the tooth instantly then go to hospital. If you pull it out yourself you will prob faint with the pain and then you will be in a very sticky situation....

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