Saturday, June 4, 2011

Insurance question...?

Can I get divorced and then get remarried in a month so that I can elect to cover my spouse and children under my insurance plan? There is no open enrollment, only when you first get hired or for a major life event. I am married to a great guy with joint custody of his two kids. He is required to provide health insurance for the children. Last year, I took a new job that had union negotiated health care benefits with much better coverage for the whole family, including my step-kids. My premiums for the family were about $350/month and his are $500/month. His deductable is $1000 and total out of pocket is five thousand. My new insurance is $250 deductable and five hundrend total out of pocket. My co pays are $10 and his are $30 per doctor visit. And it is with the same major insurance company and list of providers - the same ppo. Here is the problem, his x wouldn't let him drop his old insurance without us agreeing to some ridiculous terms. There is a court order to provide insurance through his employer, so his employer wouldn't drop the coverage without a court order saying it was ok to cover the children with either insurance. We couldn't afford both monthly premiums, so we couldn't elect to get my new coverage for the family. I was able to get dental and vision though. Vision was free for family and the coverage that they provided for the children's braces was more than the dental premiums so that was a good financial decision. Now that the x is seeing how great the coverage is - the eye doctor told her he had never seen this good of coverage... they cover everything even transition lenses, bifocals, and designer frames 100% - she is starting to be more reasonable. It will save her tons of money too since we split the out of pockets and co-pays with her. Is that legal to do? and how hard would it be to do?
I think there must be an easier way than getting a divorce. I am surprised there is not an annual open enrollment where you can add your family. If you are sure of this, then find out what a life changing event might consist of. Talk this through with your HR benefits rep. I am stunned that they would put a family in the position of getting a divorce. Their logic is to keep healthy people from refusing the insurance and then expecting to be added after they get sick not to keep a young healthy family out of the risk pool, in fact they should welcome that.

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