Saturday, June 4, 2011

What's the BEST way to fix healthcare in the US?

If we go to a socialized system we will end up like Canada with 50% tax rates and insufficient practitioners (that's why they come here), or like Britain where you have to wait up to 6 months for operations, and people are so desperate to see dentists they have to pull their own teeth, and a company called DIY Dental that sells over-the-counter filling material and temporary caps does booming business? To FIX the US healthcare--you have to understand the problem. Imagine first having "grocery insurance"---you'd buy prime rib and caviar and champagne with abandon! Or "gas insurance" you'd always buy supreme! Without an incentive of checks and balances, there's no way to reduce costs. In West Virginia, they found that by rebating 10% of the nearly 100% error rate on hospital bills back to clients, that they immediately saved nearly one half on Medicaid costs.
Make people get a job and buy insurance, It works for me. My wife and I both work and pay 466 a month for insurance. It is very good insurance and i work hard to afford it. Why should I pay for someone who is too lazy to work and get their own insurance. If you can't afford health insurance then the govenment should set something up. It would be crappy but better than nothing. I see no reason someone should get the same insurance I get when I work damn hard for it.

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