Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Is the following paragraph seem to be Insurance Fraud?

A lady that works for me brought in a Drs. excuess that had a different last name than the one I have on file for her. When I asked her why her name was different, she said. Well, I go by my current husbands name for stuff like my Drivers lic, home loan , etc. but I use my X-husbands name for Medical Insurance, cause I need to have hospitalazation and dental. As far as I know she has been divorced from the X for at least five years. Is there any reason the X would have to or could still have her on his policy?Also, when I asked her if that was legal, she said yes, we looked into it...................WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
Nope. Once you're divorced, you're not eligible to be covered as a spouse on your ex's insurance. It's clearly fraud, because she's lying about being married, to the insurance company.

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