Wednesday, June 22, 2011

prison vs. insurance?

can anyone please reply with a logical answer as to why hard working persons ,or even disabled persons , such as I , cannot get proper dental care , yet ,on a t.v. program I was watching about those in prison are given dentures at the taxpayers expense as it was clearly expressed that these poor , incarcerated , crack freaks teeth had rotted away ? (mush mouth ? ) I believe it is called .The serious medical disease I have , due to numerous prescribed medications have in essence destroyed what fragments of teeth I still have , yet , in the great state of wisconsin , those disabled or unfortunate ones who either cannot afford or don't have insurance offered to them are the ones suffering often very severely in pain , unable to eat much but bananas and jello , as prison inmates get new dentures and can enjoy probably one of the most satisfying things (barring sex ) in our lives ,as our health continues to deteriorate due to the lack of proper nutrition ,leading to more health problems ?
Altatraz had the following saying: "You are entitled to food, shelter and medical attention. Everything else is a priviledge." It hasn't changed. -MM

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