Thursday, July 28, 2011

Any one work in the Dental Field?

I have had 2 wisdom teeth come in on my left side. It hurts soo bad. I was given some pain medicine which only takes some of the edge off (Vicodin 5/500), but not much, I'm also taking an antibiotic. I don't have insurance and waiting until I can save up the money to have the two teeth pulled...will this pain stay the same until then? If so, what else can I do to stop the pain? Help!!
A. I have never heard of a dentist who will pull teeth for free if they are really hurting, the dentist after all runs a business as well. If he/she was giving out free dentistry to all the people that needed teeth pulled than they would be out of business. B. You need the services of an oral surgeon, not an endodontist. A endodontist is a specialist that does root canals The pain should subside after the teeth come in fully. They may not be able to come in all the way if they are angled a certain way, then they will just get stuck behind the last molar that they are coming in behind. Make sure that you keep this area very clean. I know that the last thing that you want to do is to brush and floss this area but you must. The more bacteria that is allowed to accumulate the worse things will get. Add 600 mg of motrin, or advil along with your vicodin. Alternate the two meds every six hours and this should help with some of the pain. Also stay away from any hard foods, or spicy foods. Swish all through-out the day with warm salt water and make sure to brush your teeth after every meal so the food does not sit on your teeth. Wisdom teeth are known to come in a little and then stop. Then you will feel sore again, and then it will stop. This could go on for many weeks to months. The most important advice is to keep the area as clean as possible, use warm salt water rinses, and swish at least twice a day with listerine if you can tolerate it. Keep taking that Motrin (as long as you are not allergic to it) on a regular schedule so it can stay in your body. Ibuprofen is an excellent anti-inflamm. which can take away some of the pain associated with the teeth coming in. BTW I went through this my senior year in high school right before prom and I can remember that it was not fun. I went through so much ora-jel that I thought that I actually became immune to its effects. The warm salt water really helped me with the discomfort.

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