Thursday, July 28, 2011

Would you stay or leave this marriage?

-He hasn't kept any of his promises. -He lied about having money in savings (none in savings, no retirement, no life insurance, owned nothing, he & his adult son were living with his mother when I met him). -His son's behavior changed drastically after we were married. I now know enough about this lazy 20's something kid to know he did lots of bad things (hurt animals & elderly relative) as a teenager & is likely a sociopath. -He blames his son's criminal activities on our government (He is naturalized US citizen, his son is here on a green card). They both say our laws are wrong. -He works his own business, sleeps in afternoon, no regular hours. -I work 2 jobs, do all housework (groceries, dishes, laundry, cleaning, etc) plus all outside work (mowing lawns, shoveling snow, the trash, auto maintainence, etc) -He sits in his lounge chair watching TV while I do all the housework. -He earns 13-15,000 a year. I earn 4 times as much. I carry all our medical & dental insurance. Stay OR Go?
I would go. A marriage is a unity and should be done together if you are not getting any support I would leave as fast as I could. There is no reason why you should put up with the crap that you are putting up with. This is the U.S. and if his son cannot follow our rules then he needs to go. If he is in his 20's why is he still at home and not working and living somewhere else? Good luck. Stand up for yourself as a women. You already know that you do not need a man to survive. I am going through something similar.

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