Monday, July 18, 2011

Help...this would be funny if it happened to someone else..I was eating jelly bellies while driving and?

I noticed one of my crowns was missing...think I swallowed it...Do you think it will all come out in the end? When? and can I rescue it and clean it up (maybe dish detergent and boil it?) and maybe the dentist can glue it back on? I don't have dental insurance...and it cost me about $800 total with the root canal...
omg!!! thats something that would happen to me!! i wonder if after you rinse it and brush it with toothpaste is to maybe buy some cleaning stuff for dentures..those tablets that you put in a glass with water and leave it or...maybe better aguafresh has tooth brush cleaner tablets that kills germs called aqua blast...then you can use the rest for your toothbrushes ( instead of never using the denture cleaner tablets. or if you have it allready chuck it in a cup of listerine.....................good luck dont forget to buy some gloves................

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