Friday, July 15, 2011


Man...this is isn't easy but here goes...I've been taking Vicodin now for close to 6 years. It started with a bad toothache and no medical/dental insurance. I got hooked on the stuff after using it to relieve pain. I'm now up to 70 (yes SEVENTY) a DAY. I've even "sold myself" in exchange for the drug. I'm only 29 and I have tried to quit MANY times and fail each time. I can't deal with the depression (as I'm already depressed enough as it is). I feel like I want to jump off the roof of my 8 story apt. building everytime I try. My life is consumed by this drug. It's all I think about. How I'm going to get more when I'm running low...I've stolen from my job to purchase the drug at street prices (5 bux a pill on the street, normally. Do the math...70 pills a day at 5 bux a pill???) I'm so ashamed...I don't have the money for an inpatient detox program but I have GOT TO STOP! PLEASE HELP?!?!?! Thank you and God bless!!!
Sweet heart I do want to give you some advice...not in a judgmental way that "paper cuff" did, actually I want to deal with him first, yes Veronica has an addiction problem, having already admitting that is the first step to recovery, obviously it is going to be a struggle to get life back to a controled situation, but do you have any idea how unhelpful your coments are, I would go as far as saying you are detremental to this persons recovery. I can only wonder if you are like I used to be...far too quick to judge people who used drugs, people don't just wake up one morning and decide they are going to F#%k their lives up by using narcotics, try to see through others eyes and be less intent on dragging people down to your level !!!!!! Ok, my name is Yette, I am a happily married (most of the time) mother of 2 beautiful girls, about 5 1/2 years ago I broke my neck in a car accident, I live with Chronic pain syndrome - 0 is no pain 10 is the worst pain imaginable, on a good day I'm about an 8, here is my list of daily medications...(AND KEEP IN MIND NONE OF MY DOCTORS CONSIDER ME AN ADDICT), I take upto 400mg of liquid Morphine a day also 2 x Panadeine Forte every 6 hours, I also take 4 valium with each dose of both medicines, I take 2 sleeping tabets each night, these medications in the begining destroyed my life, as I detested the concept of being on Narcotic medication...I've never even smoked pot, drugs were never my thing, I didn't need a chemical to make me happy, I still don't, I take Morphine for pain relief, it has had a massive effect on our lives, my husband lost his business because he had to stay home and care for me and our girls. I would give anything to be off these medications, but accoding to 3 specialists and my G.P I will be like this not for a few years, I'll be like this for decades, how do you think I feel popping pain killers in front of my children, it is devestating, my little girl, such a kind child said to me last week that when she grows up she wants to be just like me but with (NO PAIN). Now just because I have an actual reason to take these medications for physical pain, who are we to decide what emotional pain Veronica is in, after 6 years she's not getting a buzz out of her medications, she has to take them to stay well, because the withdrwls wil be horrible, I agree she should check herself into a detox clinic, Veronica you can't do this on your own, and your addction will never be gone completely, the choices you continue to make will determine your ultimate outcome. Veronica, do you have a Dr you trust, are you getting most of your hit's from your Dr's prescriptions, or from the streets? PLEASE stop hurting yourself, regain your self respect, and take back control of your life and your life style..... YOU CAN DO IT, if ever you need to talk I'm here,

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