Currently a poor college student, of course with no adequate dental coverage. I am in the process of pulling out (2) wisdom teeth and am wondering how much were the total charges? I'm talking pure charges here, before your insurance took care of anything. Also, please indicate how many you decided to take out, and which anesthetic you chose (IV vs. local or both). Thanks a Bunch.
I had ONE wisdom tooth removed, it was impacted - so HAD to be removed. I had both the general anesthesia and the local - this was recommended, because he had to slice my gum open with a scalpel, hammer the tooth, excavate it and sew me back up. The total cost was $900. This excludes consultation and possible 360 x-ray, that was an additional $170. The surgeon recommended for me to take all four wisdom teeth out, but I decided against it. It must be noted that the anaesthesia where I went to charged per 15 minute sessions, so in a way - it would make more sense to remove ALL of them at once.
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