Monday, July 11, 2011

Who does a person notify when they belive that a dentist has not acted responsibily?

I signed up for the only dentist that was accepting new patients on my insurance plan. Because of a terror of dentists, I didn't go until a problem developed. After receiving a root canal, I made an appointment for a cleaning/exam to find out if about dental problems. During the course of the exam, some of what I assume to be cleaning was performed literally left me bleeding and retching on my own blood, not to mention screaming in pain. I was told when I complained of pain that I was lying and earlier during the appointment, he asked if I was ready to have all of my teeth pulled. While I realize that probably was a joke, it only served to terrorize me more so. I am not saying that the treatment I got was inappropriate, as I truly don't know. It has been over 15 years since I last saw a dentist. I just wish to know is there some organization/body I could contact to alert others of this situation. I pray others never have to go through the same.
You should contact the State Board to file a formal complaint.. You didn't say what state you live in; in Texas, for example, it's the TSBDE (Texas State Board of Dental Examiners). You should also speak directly to the dentist about his conduct. Explain how his inappropriate comment, accusation of you being a "liar" is out of line. You can call your insurance company and see about paying a little extra in order to switch the coverage you have, which will allow you greater freedom in selecting a dentist who can suit your needs. It's a bit of a hassle, yes, but it will be well worth it. There are dentists who know specifically how to deal with those of you with dental phobias. I believe that the doctor you visited takes advantage of the fact that you had no choice in seeing him; who knows how many patients he has that do not particularly care for his chairside manner. Please do not let this bad experience deter you from maintaing your oral care. A lot has changed in the field of dentistry since you last visited; not all dentists behave this way. If you need assistance in dealing with your insurance company or changing dentists, feel free to e-mail me. I worked for "bad" dentists, they can ruin it for everyone!

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