Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I haven't been to the dentist in almost a year...?

I feel horrible.I moved to Texas, and had sooo much trouble trying to get my dental insurance card so that I could go to a dentist there. I am back home now temporarily, and i really need to go. I brush everyday and night and I floss, but I have had a cavity that has now caused my tooth to break. Sometimes it really hurts bad. I have always had pretty teeth, and this one tooth (which is a back tooth) will need a cap.Is it possible to request a porcelain cap to match the rest of my teeth? Or will it have to be pulled? its HORRIBLE. I am just afraid of what my dentist will say and think since it has been so long. Serious advice would be nice...none of those ugly immature comments please? Thanks
It really depends on how bad the tooth is. If the hole goes beneath the gum you might have to get it pulled out. If it really is THAT bad you should get it out. But if it dosn't go that far maybe you could get it fixed. You should really go to the dentist anyway and get their opinion. Don't worry, your dentist wont judge you. Just imagine what they have seen. I'm sure they have seen much worse!

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