Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Medicaid application question- what to say on forms when you live with boyfriend but he doen't support you?

I'm a 28yo ft student that hasn't made a dime since Jan. I'm taking to way many credit hours to work. I got a little fin. aid and had to take out a student loan. I haven't even gotten the check yet, so I'm dead broke and in debt. It's not such a big deal, I've been broke before, I can do it again. The problem is, I need health and dental insurance. Every independent plan including student plans cost atleast $100 a month, I can't afford that. I've been told I would qualify for medicaid and it's free. But I know they will ask about who I live with and how much he makes. My boyfriend makes good money, but he doesn't support me. I haven't been paying rent but once I get that check he wants me to pay atleast a little. So, what do I say on the forms? If I say I do pay rent, will he have to mention that when he files his taxes? If I say I don't pay, will they he supports me and want to include his income? I truly am broke, can't work, am not being supported and need insurance. what do I say?
I work as auditor for Medicaid. Just do this! don't put him in the application and he should write a letter of support stating the he helps you with meal you can submit your income and also a letter from your school stating that you go to school or college full-time. They don't count your income if you go to school full-time. If You have resources I mean money in the bank over 2,000 in the bank you wont qualify. You don't have to lie, just say the true you go the school and your boyfriend is helping you. If you have any other question send me an email, I'll be happy to help you.

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