Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Can you deny use of your dental insurance even if you are covered?

I have crappy dental insurance thru my company. The thing is, my dental is attached to my medical, which I need so I can't opt out of it. Last month, I went to have 2 wisdom teeth pulled out. I had to pay $800 out of pocket, my insurance company paid the dentist an additional $500 and I've been paying $60/mth just for the prevelige of having this crap insurance. I've asked in different places how much a people without insurance paid for removal of two wisdom teeth and I received answers that varied from $500-$900. I would gladly just pay (even $900) to the dentist upfront and just cut out the insurance. Because of them, dentist think its ok to charge whatever for a procedure that the known shouldn't cost more than a few hundred. Plus, as true to course, my insurance denied the claim, now saying I owe $2K to the dentist! $2K! So now I have to fight for months to get it paid, and back to the original $800. Can I just go to dentists and say, I don't have insurance- what will you charge me cash up front? Even if I go to dentists I've already been to and they know I have it? Do I have to use my insurance?
health-quotes.talk4fun.net - here is my health insurance plan. As I remember they can provide such a service.

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