Monday, December 6, 2010

has anyone ever used Ameriplan dental, health, and vision insurance before?is it legit?

they supposedly give you fat discounts on vision,dental, and health, and even life insurance.even though they are not an insurance(they send you a card looks like a debit card in the mail and you have coverage the very next day) just a company that works with doctors and other companies that are willing to give you discounted prices.does anyone know of any other insurance that is very low-cost?websites?thanks!
You should read the Federal Trade Commission warning on my site about discount companies. If you end up in a hospital you'll still be responsible for the majority of the bill which could run many thousands of dollars. Buy health insurance. A high deductible plan is cheaper than most discount plans and covers more of the risk. Discount plans for dental are fine because nobody has lost a home having to pay for a root canal (in other words, most dental issues cost less than $1,000...a heart attack can run in the hundreds of thousands). For vision...go to WalMart. $85 gets you a full exam and contact fitting. Oh, and most importantly, you should keep in mind that insurance usually ALREADY gives you these discounts and in some cases the discounts are greater than many discount plans.

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