I have a friend that has developed an abscessed tooth. She is on her second emergency room visit for IV antibiotics. Face is swollen along with her throat. I know we can not do anything until the swelling and infection is under control. The issue is she has no insurance and she also doesn't have the up-front cash for even the first consultation with a dentist. I have called around and keep getting… no new clients or sorry no payment plans, or we offer it but it doesn't cover the doctor's initial visit. It seems like there should be options out there for people under these circumstances. This is not a cosmetic issue, its metical? Are there any resources people can suggest? St. Francis House couldn't even get her in until the end of July. More than 6 weeks from now. I'm in the OK, MO, & NWA Area
The lack of access to dental care is a huge problem. There was a 12 year old boy in the D.C. area who died last year because he couldn't get a dentist who accepted Medicaid. If your friend is getting IV antibiotics in the ER, why aren't they admitting her for treatment? The law says you have to stabilize someone in the ER regardless of ability to pay. Seems like a single dose of antibiotics isn't stabilizing someone. If she's admitted, maybe an oral surgeon can see her in hospital.
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