Monday, February 14, 2011

why does insurance only cover catastrophic events?

I have a 2500 deductable before my insurance pays 80/20 in network shouldn't you have carte blanche style medical care $0 deductibles, paid prescriptions, dental, vision care etc you get sick you go to the doctor period thats what insurance is for right?
i agree. that was the way it was 20 years ago. you went to the doctor for check-ups, flu etc, paid your copay and they billed the insurance who then paid the doctor. if you had an emergency, went to the ER, and if the insurance believed it was an emergency, they would sometimes waive your deductible. now everyone has high deductibles and co pays. so unless you get really sick, have surgery etc, you are on the hook for all of your medical bills. the only advantage of the insurance is the discount rate that you have to pay vs the full billed price. now you are stuck going to in-network doctors that may not be your preferred choice. or go to a hospital that is supposed to be in-network and find out that some labs or doctors are out-of network so you get stuck with the addtl cost that they charge. also the cost of RX is unbelievable. gone are the days of $5 or $10 copay. most of the new drugs, you get on the hook for up to 50% of the cost or a maximum they will cover. just like in medicare, many people found that after 4 or 5 months in the donut hole and owe 100% for their drugs, so they either eliminate them, take sporadically to be able to afford them. i had surgery a year ago. i also had $2,500 deductible and 80/20. i ended up owing almost $4K out of pocket and all of it was in-network. i now have a $5K and 70/30 co-pay and hope i wont need it since i am still paying off the surgery.

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