Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I had an a dental implant 2 years ago and the dentist estimate showed a bone graft.?

The total cost for 2 teeth was $7200 which include a bone graft costing $1200. The implant procedure lasted only about 1 hour where two steel posts were implanted to my jaw bone. A month later I had a check up by the dental assistant and everything was ok. I asked the dental assistant if the bone graft was actually done because it showed up on my bill. The dental assistant showed me the dentist record which showed the procedure was done.The last time I saw the dentist was 3 months later who examined the implants and told me that everything is okay and I can proceed to another dentist who will mount the teeth on the steel implants. My dental insurance paid part of the bill. Two years had past and my co-worker had a dental implant procedure for two teeth. He said he had a bone graft and his dentist told him to go back after 3 months until the bone graft heals before the steel implant can be performed. Did I had a bone graft?
Each person has different needs, even the same person may have different needs in different parts of their mouths. Implants are require specific conditions for the best results, so in order to achieve those scenarios some dentists will choose to be more cautious, some more cavalier. There are many kinds of bone grafts, some where an actualy block of bone is screwed in others where ground bone is placed to help fill in a space or prevent a void from forming. If you had teeth extracted at the same time ground bone is sometimes used in a bone graft to accelerate healing. Best of luck; you should be able to call your dentist-even 2 years later and ask how he was able to do both the implants and graft at the same appointment. His notes should be thorough enough to spark his memory.

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