Monday, March 21, 2011

Is $195.00 too much for a tooth extraction w/o insurance?

Per my first question about my front tooth being knocked loose had basically the same answer from others to "go to the dentist - now", I went and it has to be extracted - it cracked across the crown. But since I do not have dental insurance, they are charging me $195.00 for this tooth extraction. Sounds kinda pricey. Just wanted to know what others thought. Thanks!
If you already have a dentist that you are comfortable with then go ahead and let him/her do the work. 195.00 is about right. If all you want is the extraction and you are looking to save a few more dollars, you may want to go to a dental school program and let one of the graduating students do it. From what you described, it is a simple extraction and can be done for about half of that at a dental school. This is a great option for teeth cleaning as well w/o insurance. Yes, they can and will administer pain meds for you. Good Luck!

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