It's all body maintenance, right? Is there a legitimate reason, or is it just part of the health industry's, insurance bookies', and bosses' money scams in capitalist America? .
In the UK when the NHS was formed in 1948 - ALL health care, including dentistry and optometry was free of charge and paid for through central taxation. Anuerin Bevan, a left-wing Labour politician had the idea from a system - the Tredegar Medical Aid Society - in his constituency in Wales, where the community clubbed together to pay for healthcare for all - he extended this idea across the whole country (source1). The landslide Labour government of 1945 was forced into concessions because of massive pressure from below - people were demanding "a land fit for heroes" - so a large section of industry and healthcare was nationalised. In the present, if we want to hold on to our NHS in the UK, we need to fight for it, as New Labour and the Tories are both threatening to privatise it. In the US, there was not been the same pressure from below to create a socialist ideal of universal health care, so this was never achieved. Obama's reforms simply amount to getting people to subscribe to private healthcare insurance, so this is not public, universal healthcare, much less socialism. Yes, this is a cpaitalist scam. Private healthcare should be abolished.
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