Do they need to latch onto momma pig government and their surrogate pig momma when they need a job? They need a job with insurance, dental, life ins, a car, disability, maternity leave, drug dependency protection, a union so I don't have to make up my own mind? Then they abuse all those privileges by not caring about the cost and misuse of the benefits as if it is their right.
No they're afraid to work, but they much prefer to watch morons who march in tea party parades, or who vote NO on everything or listen to Limbaugh, & Beck and company bring down the United States of America. Then, when you guys finish that, we'll turn your crappy jobs over to Mexicans, since they'll do jobs that no one else does. I take it from you question that you have a job that pays $7 an hour but has no benefits, since you criticize people who do have them. I can't wait until you're 65 and you refuse Social Security and Medicare. You will won't you? So the rest of us can continue to have it?
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