Friday, April 22, 2011

My brother is 40 & has a great paying job but NO insurance of any type. He say he needs none, is this true ?

He has no health ins, no life ins, no dental, he does have a job that pays roughly $350 a day (chief software engineer) proficient in numerous software languages, ie. c++, visual basic etc - but zero insurance..... why do so many say they can't even retire because they cant live without employer insurance etc ? but yet my brother could care less about any insurances. He lives here in the USA.....
Your brother may feel like he's doing fine financially now. However, he's leaving himself wide open if he becomes ill or has an accident. Even if he's saving money towards future health care now, that can be wiped out in an instant. Once you're already sick and don't have insurance, you're deemed "uninsurable." It will be difficult to nearly impossible to find coverage to help with mounting medical bills. Is it possible that your brother will be perfectly healthy until he drops dead one day without needing medical intervention? Sure...but somewhat unlikely. And he's backing himself into a corner, with very limited options for the future, if his estimation is wrong and he *does* get sick. But, that's certainly his choice to make. (Personally, if I were in that situation, I'd purchase my own HSA money towards future expenses tax free, yet still keep premiums to a bare minimum. Also, you'd be keeping some sort of coverage, so that you aren't considered "uninsurable" if you happen to need it in the future.)

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