Friday, June 17, 2011

Having dental work done, which do you suggest?

I need to have a lot of dental work done, and I don't have insurance. It will take about $3000 for xrays, exams, fillings, and wisdom teeth pulling just to get me to the point where I can pay at least $4000 for braces..... I have poor enamel on my teeth, and have always had major problems, in my mind it would make more sense to just pay $3000-$4000 for the wisdom teeth, and fillings, and get implants or a partial included in that cost, and then not have to shell out so much money. I am only 26, but have always had major problems with my teeth (it runs in my family-my mother has a partial). Just curious what anyone else would do, any suggestions?
If you live near a university that has a dental school, you can volunteer to be a patient. They assess financial needs, and qualify a good patient. The student doctors are taught and watched carefully by board certified dentists, and its free for you. They need patients too. If that doesn't work for you, see if you can barter (trade services) or ask for discounts or outright help from local dentists.

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