Friday, June 17, 2011

is my wisdom tooth infected or just growing? no insurance, just making sure. help!?

my gums are hurting a LITTLE . not a ton. not where i can't bear it. it feels like...when i touch it or it hits my cheek, it feels like a popcorn cornel is stuck and it needs to get out. just a little sore. my bottom right wisdom tooth is there , growing, not all the way out but two top parts definitely poking out. it could be growing at a SLIGHT angle....i wash with mouthwash and brush and after that it feels a lot i just keep doing that or could it be infected? i dont want to take it out if its not infected because i don't have dental insurance. so symptoms are: slightly irritated gums. (like food is stuck with no food there)sometimes sore to touch... gums NOT inflamed cheek close to area where tooth is growing sore when i brush it , then after brushing feels much better
When wisdom teeth is coming out it's okay to have some soreness around the area - I'm basing this according to your sign and symptoms- Your right, my concern is that this might be coming out in an angle or it might be just coming out right since i thinked it just barely started. Best advice is to consult this with the Dentist and have them take a single x-ray. No insurance, then check with Foothill College ( or any dental students) where they have hygiene and dental assistant programs. And definitely they can give you/or adviced you with possible treatment for your concern this time.

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