Friday, July 1, 2011

Anyone tried dental device for snoring/apnea?

There is a dental device you can get molded to fit your teeth & mouth that will place your lower jaw forward while you are sleeping. If you have problems with your muscles in the back of your throat relaxing and making you snore or have apnea, then this should help open the airway so you can breathe better. I know there are cheap molds you can buy online, but they don't last long and may be tricky to get the right fit (you have to boil the plastic in water to soften it and then put it in your mouth to mold it). I'm thinking of getting it professionally done by my dentist. It would be about $700 and would last for years. It could also be adjusted in increments. I have had a sleep study done and the test was inconclusive or my apnea wasn't severe enough for the insurance to pay for a CPAP. I desperately need a good night's sleep! Has anyone tried this for snoring or apnea and were you pleased with the results? If there's any dentists (or assistants) out there, do you know of patients that have had success?
Yes, it works well for mild apnea cases. My husband has one and we're both dentists. Beware of jaw pain though. After a while of using it, your jaw joints tend to get sore and you feel like your bite is "off" in the mornings. If this happens, you have to keep it out for a while until your mouth feels better, then you can resume using it. I don't think it's worth it to get a cheap one yourself because it is very important to get the right fit and future adjustments may need to be made to your bite which only your dentist can do. Good luck!

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