Friday, July 1, 2011

Are people on bicycles allowed to go the opposite direction on a sidewalk?

I was going the opposite direction on a sidwalk until I could get to the nearest stoplight, when a car came out of a parking lot without looking and hit me causing me to chip a tooth. When I called their insurance they said they are not going to pay for my dental fee because I was going the wrong direction on the SIDEWALK. Do I have a good case to sue them?
Check local laws to see what rules there are about cyclists riding on the sidewalk. I know in my area, bicyclists are allowed to ride on the sidewalk, they can ride in the opposite direction, and must yield to pedestrians and not ride in a reckless manner. If the driver didn't look and just sped out of the parking lot, then there is some fault to the driver for the accident. It may be worth it to at least consult with an attorney, see if there are any low cost legal services in your area that can help you. Edit: Where in California? If it's Los Angeles, that's where I live and the laws there do allow bicyclists on the sidewalk. I know an attorney who defended a similar case, and the family of the kid who was hit did recover damages. Definately consult an attorney, and maybe check out the California Bicycle Coalition to see if they have any resources that can help:

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