Monday, July 25, 2011

Are the young the group that are most ignored and neglected by politicians in the UK?

House prices are out of control, youngsters with professional well paid jobs are living in poverty, while the middle aged are spending their free money on expensive holidays and four wheel drives. National insurance is the highest it has ever been, yet youngster can forget a state pension or free dental treatment. We have to pay for our own private pensions as well as our parents free state pensions. Public transport costs a fortune, the old get it free. Gas bills are massive the old get heating allowance. University is only for the rich.
they have spent a lot of time and effort on the young,but not in the way we would like, the effort has been to brainwash them demoralise and cause division, like the young against the old, as you have just pointed out, not forgetting bringing drugs in and poisening them, its going to get worse before it gets better, dont lett these crafty decievers turn the young against the old, the gov would love that, as long as they are not bothering them, my policy is to when they get a job, to let them keep their dole for a year or longer if they start a business, this is an investment into the british young and their ideas. at least thats what i will be putting forward when i become a free english councilor if that happens.

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