Monday, July 25, 2011

Tooth Question?

I had my left impacted wisdom tooth removed in feb of this year. And I know they have you sign a form of risks and complications suck as broken jaw, broken or chip teeth, loose teeth, etc. Ever since Ive noticed that one of my molars in the back same side as the impacted tooth feel loose. I have no dental insurance but I dont know what to do about this tooth? Any suggestions?
When you remove the tooth it takes time for the bone to grow and fill in the "hole" If your impacted tooth was leaning right up against the tooth in front of it (even under the tissue and not seen by you) there could be no bone or minimal bone on the backside of the remaining tooth. STOP WIGGLING IT! That can keep it from healing as best it can. If it is really really loose you can return to the dentist or oral surgeon to have an xray to see what the condition of the bone is. Perhaps returning every six months to see where the bone level is, to make sure that it is filling in. If it is not perhaps a bone graft would be an option to consider. You can also compare with your pre-extraction xrays to see what kind of bone you had to start with. You don't state your age, but the older you are, the longer it takes to heal. So if you are in your early 20's things should happen more rapidly than if you are in your 30's or 40's. And good home care is vital. Make sure you are cleaning the area thoroughly with a tooth brush, floss and possibly a proxybrush (a small cone shaped brush on a long handle) on the backside. Plaque accumulation can inhibit bone growth. good luck

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