Monday, July 25, 2011

necrotizing gingivitis?

when i did have dental insurance they told me i had that... i have no pain... the only thing is sometimes my gums bleed pretty badly and like my gums are a little white.. i have severe decay too.. but i cannot do anything... i brush everyday..verrrry softly. but its just not helping... what should i do.. dental costs sooo much i cant afford it.
Here's a suggestion for you. Go to: (800) 370 - 3447 and order the NEEM Oil and NEEM Bark they make. It is the best you can buy and it will stop the bleeding in one day. Take the two items and mix a little of each into a paste and apply it to the gums all around, on all your gums. This will heal the gums. It will even get rid of the "pockets" the dentists talk about, but that takes longer depending upon the severity of the problem. The worst I've seen are pockets rated at 5. It took about 2 months to clear those and make the gums healthy. The biggest issue you have is infections in the teeth. If you have amalgam fillings, you have severe infection under each one of those. If you have root canals done by typical dentists using gutta percha to fill the canals, you have severe infections under those into your bones and it is called cavitations (NICO). Any amalgams must be removed and replaced with good bonding materials. Don't let them use that hypochlorite solution all the dentists use to sanitize the teeth before putting the repair in place, it only kills about 30% of the germs. Modern dentistry is causing huge problems for many people. The word "modern" is just a fancy word and don't be fooled by it. You will need to have any decay fixed, but do NOT let them use silver fillings (amalgams) because the mercury that leaches out from them is causing all kinds of Alzheimer's disease everywhere. The infections in the mouth can cause you to have many degenerative diseases if you ignore them. Each tooth is connected to various organs in the body and when you get infections there, the organs will become weak. good luck to you

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