Sunday, March 20, 2011

Did I pay a fair price for a root canal and a crown?

I went to the dentist today because I had a huge abcess in one of my front tooth (insicor tooth). My doctor took an xray and told me I need a root canal. He said the total price for the root canal and the crown was $700. He is experienced and I trust him, I don't have dental insurance so that is what I am paying up front. Any thoughts???
Wow...if you got a RCT, and a crown for $700 total...that is cheap. Not sure of the geographic location of your dentist, which does have an impact on prices...but I work for a DDS in MD, and we charge $600 for a root canal on a central alone. Then you have to factor in the cost of a post (of which you didnt mention- make sure to ask him whether or not that includes placing a post) which is around $300, and finally the crown which is a little under $1000.00. Word of advice...make sure he places a post (it provides the stability to hold/support the crown since the tooth is no longer vital), and request an all ceramic/porcelian crown opposed to a PFM crown. If you've ever seen someone with that dark/grey outline along their gumline, its from a PFM crown...and if your investing money to save the tooth, you want it to look as esthetically pleasing as possible. Good luck.

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