Sunday, March 20, 2011

what is this bump on the roof of my mouth?

i have an abscessed tooth on the top left side of my mouth, a day after the pain started, i discovered a smooth sore bump on the roof of my mouth. I went to the emergency room because i have NO dental insurance and no money, the doctor gave me antibiotics and it doesn't seem to be helping me. He told me the bump would go away but instead has seemed to have gotten worse. How can this country let people go like this with such pain. Has anyone ever experienced this bump and do you have any suggestions?
The bump is most likely the abscess itself. You NEED to go to the dentist. The antibiotics might stop the infection for the mean time, but not the source of the problem, it could and probably will come back. You need to get that tooth evaluated and fixed by the dentist. I know cost is an issue, but you health is more important. Possible treatment options could be a root canal or simply taking the tooth out. I cannot give you real professional answers, since I can't see your tooth, and I am not a doctor, the best thing to do is to please see a dentist.

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