Saturday, March 5, 2011

Grants for dental?

Are there any grants out there for dental work? I'm a single mom with a full time job, and in school. I have major dental needs including needing my wisdom teeth out! My dental insurance only covers 1,000 a year which I go through fast! I need help!
I have a web site dedicated to helping people find affordable dental care and I've never heard of "grants" or vouchers for people seeking financial help paying for their dental care. Our dental care system just doesn't work like that. However, there are dental clinics that you can go to that provid adequate dental care at little or no cost; the only drawback being you may have to wait several weeks before you can be seen. In addition, dental clinics do not perform any dental procedure that would be considered "cosmetic" in nature such as root canals, bridge work, braces, teeth whightning etc. I hope this helps.

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