Sunday, March 13, 2011

Is my extreme embarassment and fear of the dentist rational?

I am 23 years old and have never been to the dentist bc of the low income of my parents. Recently, I recieved a good job, with dental insurance. I also noticed discoloration of my molars and one tooth in general is putting me in a lot of pain. My problem comes from the fear and embarassment I feel about going for the first time. Insurance only pays 50% for things such as filling, root canals, also. I am making myself sick over going. I feel like a total loser. Any advice that could make it seem better would be appreciated.
Everyone has been in your position at some time or another. I didn't go for 5 years and was terrified. Now I go every 6 months and I still get nervous. Call them and book the earliest appt they have available. It'll give you less time to worry or dread. Tell yourself to,"Get it over with!" Esp when you feel scared. Make plans for after the dentist. I planned a movie fest w/friends. That way, I looked forward to the plans and the dentist was something I had to do before then. Once I got there, I told everyone that I was really scared. My dentist was super gentle and nice. Once in the chair, close your eyes. Play with your ring or your bracelet or bring a mp3 player to listen to. Take a look at a calendar. Two months from now, so much stuff will have happened or will happen that the dental appt was just something you had to do. No, you're not a loser. Everyone's scared. Tell yourself,"what's the worse that can happen?" I would think of the most absurd thing. I thought I was going to be wheeled out and can't be worked on. Then I would laugh at how that would never happen. And if it did and they were mean, I could just walk out. Remind yourself that they've studied teeth for over a decade. So they really want to help ppl. And trust me, waiting and wondering was much worse for me. I start to think too much. Once you're done, you'll feel so proud that you overcame your fear. Good luck! =)

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