I had a root scaling and planing done last month on both sides of my mouth. I'd never heard of this before, and had just gone to the dentist for a long-overdue cleaning, but apparently my gums were in bad shape (not severe, but there was some tarter under the gums). Now the dentist tells me I have to come back for another $180 periodontal cleaning every 3 months for an indeterminate length of time to make sure that the tartar doesn't come back. Is this really necessary? I'm prepared to go as often as I have to, but I can't really afford to go every 3 months if that's not necessary. I just don't want to continue feeling like this dentist is "drilling" me for every penny I have. I've already spent more than $500 on the work I've had done so far (obviously, my dental insurance is a joke). I just want someone who knows about this sort of thing to tell me if I'm being treated right or ripped off. Thanks!
It is crucial that you go back and have your peridontal maintenance done in 3 mos!I don't know the severity of your infection,but your hygienist or dentist will remeasure your periodontal pockets and chart you healing.Dental floss can only go as deep as 4mm,so even after your are first deep scaled,areas of over 4mm will exist.Basically your homecare is missing millimiters of bacteria(millions upon millions of anaerobic pathogens),so another thorough deplaqueing in needed until you readings are 0-4mm.Now I do feel that $180 is a bit high for a perio. maintenance visit,but I live in the south where our fees are less.There is a great product called Arestin,where we place antibiotic directly into any unhealed pockets.It greatly increases your chance of healing and may reduce your need for surgery later.Ask if your office does Arestin therapy.Make sure your dental provider is willing to explain your periodontal disease to you completely,I get the feeling you were not informed of the WHY you needed the 3 mos. cleaning interval.If you are not satisfied,go elsewhere or seek the help of a periodontist(gum disease specialist).80% of tooth loss today is due to gum disease not decay,so it is a serious problem!!It also affects over 80% of people over age 35.Invest in an excellent electric brush such as the Sonicare or Oral B triumph,they remove much more plaque than and manual brush.Also you may get an electric flosser such as the oral b hummingbird or reach access flosser to help you floss more efficiently.
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