Friday, April 1, 2011

What strategies reveal the dark side of capitalism?

1) Cutting/lowering Payroll is on the top three of priorities, 2) Forcing people to wait one year before qualifying for health and dental insurance, 3) Having to wait 7 years before becoming 100% vested otherswise they have to share profits, 4) Understaffing; undermployment such as part-time instead of full time and underpay,The less people that retire the more money they keep 5) always legally reformulating accounting practices, 6) Buying cheap tools and software and enjoying easy tax write-offs, to know more visit…
Not reinvesting the profits into more efficient equipment and research on better equipment. Unions considering what is best for only the employees. Companies not taking into consideration what they are doing to the environment when making decision. Companies looking only at the profit margin when outsourcing to other countries. Employees cheating the company because it can. Government putting regulations on industry that are not for the common good. Companies putting so much emphasis on profit margin that they force the employees to cheat to cover up reality. Reality is that there are a lot of different people that are at fault when capitalism fails. To blame one part is wrong.

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