Monday, May 9, 2011

I have a crossbite, how long will I have to wear braces?

Hi, I have a slight crossbite, my middle teeth on the top and bottom don't allign. The rest of my teeth are pretty much straight, except for one molar that got turned around as it grew in, but everything else in my mouth is okay. Sometimes my crossbite causes slight discomfort in my jaw, and the dentist said that could lead to serious problems as I become older. I went to an orthodontist two years ago for a consultation, but we didn't do anything then, because my parents didn't have dental insurance at the time. I am in 8th grade, and I was wondering if anyone knew how long I would have to wear braces, and what else I would have to have done with my mouth, such as headgear, retainers, rubberbands, etc. (you can barely see any problem with my teeth unless you get really close to my mouth, but I have to get it fixed because it can couse tmj and all that stuff) thanx!!!
It will take approx. 2 years. You'll have to wear rubber bands, which aren't bad. Most dentists don't do head gears anymore. You will definitely have a retainer that you will have to wear after you get your braces off. Your teeth will move if you don't wear them, but most orthodontists can now do a bonded retainer that you don't have to take on and off. It'll be fun!

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