Monday, May 9, 2011

oil of oregano cures tooth decay?

I don't have dental insurance & have to have a very pricey procedure due to tooth decay on one of my teeth. The decay is under one of my prior fillings. I have started putting oil of oregano on the area since i've heard it can almost cure the decay, can anyone help me out on what im actually doing by putting this on the tooth and does this really work?
It may help but it burns like the dickens. I have a colloidal silver machine and started making colloidal silver and swishing it in my mouth and also drinking it. I don't know how deep that oil will go under the filling though, if it is enough to actually kill the infection. I do know that I had a sore tooth and gums and since using the colloidal silver they are good now. You can also use colloidal silver for many other types of infections.

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