Thursday, May 26, 2011

If you have full insurance, how much do you need to pay in hospital bills for a birth?

I had my first child, and was living in Arizona, and qualified to be on the state assistance, AHCCCS. I had a full-time job but still qualified, because I didn't "make enough money" and I was single (engaged). My husband and I got married when our daugther was 5 months old, he works for the state of Arizona so he has excellent health insurance coverage--it covers medical, vision and dental for ~$150 a month. We were just able to add our daughter, I am not able to get on until open enrollment which is in November. I am trying to think of how much we will have to pay in hospital bills... I never saw even the first birth amount, the only thing I saw was the $1500 epidural bill, but that ended up being covered by insurance. I had an appendectomy while still covered on that insurance (no, I haven't been on it for about 8 months now because I don't qualify anymore) and that bill was $30,000. I don't know why I didn't see the first hospital bill? Any ideas? We are getting used to the idea of another child, but he wants to see how much insurance will cover first. Hope this kinda makes sense and isn't too rambled lol. Thanks, kind answers only!! :)
you need to contact your insurance company. NO ONE can answer how much the insurance would cover since EVERY insurance is different! i have $15 office visit co-pays, but lab work, ultrasounds and things like that are no cost to me. I also do not pay anything for delivery or hospital stay.

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