Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cost of a "dental facelift"?

I have suffered from severe bruxism since my early teens, and it's really taken a toll on my teeth. I'm only in my twenties but I have lost a large amount of vertical facial height between my nose and chin. We I clench my teeth together, my face looks like that of a senior citizen's. So after researching on the internet, I've discovered a "dental facelift" procedure which can help restore my teeth and vertical facial height. A few questions... How much does this procedure cost, and is it similar to the (outrageously) expensive procedure of a full mouth restoration with crowns most dentists use in my case? How would the dentists know how much of your teeth you have lost due to bruxism? Also, I know it's considered a cosmetic surgery, but my worn teeth has really damaged my lifestyle including my speech and ability to eat properly. Would insurance cover this? Sorry the question's so long...Thanks
It can cost upwards of 20 thousand dollars, depends on what you need to have done

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