Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What should I do about insurance... Health Insurance?

I have not been to the doctor in a while now because I have no health insurance. But I want to know if I should get it or just call the doctor and see how much it costs without it. I have a job that would give me insurance if they weren't so cheap to put me on seasonal status because they don't want to pay out so I need to get it on my own. I think. Also I need dental and vision should I get that or no? Or would it be cheaper just to pay in cash?
There are many levels of health coverage. If you are a healthy person and doesn't go to the doctors very often, that would be a different coverage than a person who needs to see a doctor quite often. If you are talking about taking a health insurance to see a doctor just for this visit, it would be cheaper to see the doctor. However, keep in mind that if the doctor finds out there is something wrong with you and you have to go through serious of treatments, it is going to be almost impossible to get a health insurance afterwords.

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