Saturday, June 11, 2011

Will forcing insurance companies to accept all pre existing conditions, dental, prescriptions & Dr. office?

visits lower the cost of health insurance or raise it? Why do Democrats think forcing insurers to provide all of these things will lower the cost of insurance? Is it just wishful thinking or pure ignorance?
The insurance companies want to insure only the healthiest people. Consequently, tens of millions of Americans can't get insurance, so WE ALL pay for their care. The whole reason we have medicare/medicaid is that the insurance companies didn't want to bother with the elderly, the poor, the chronically ill, so the fed. govt. took them off their hands and you and I pay for their care. Those who can't get that, show up at ERs to get their routine care, and not only do we all pay, but we pay a lot more! Hospitals are required to treat people, to a certain level, regardless of their ability to pay. So hospitals get their money back by raising rates for those who -can- pay. Ever wonder why a Tylenol costs $20 in the hospital? If everyone could get insurance, everyone could get 'well care', and we'd save a lot of money there. Nobody would have to use the ER for non-emergency services and we'd save a lot there. It comes down to this: Which is more important to you, access to health care for all Americans, or excess profits for a handful of corporations?

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