Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Anyone else notice this?

I've seen a LOT of younger girls coming in here saying they were pregnant with NO insurance. I'm not going to bash on these girls seeing as how I became pregnant at 17. My question is, why no insurance? My mom had insurance on me during both my pregnancies. I was on her insurance because even though I wasn't living with her, I was going to school full time (college). What kind of parents do these kids have? My kids have had health insurance since the day they were born through their father's job. I may just be imagining things, but isn't it kind of stupid not to have your kids insured? I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but my parents always made sure my brother and I had medical, vision, and dental insurance. My fiance and I do this with our girls. Anyone else think it's odd?
I totally agree. My parents have 5 kids (all adults now), and did not have any money. One of the major expenses was health insurance, because it is can't NOT have it! What is with these parents?? My parents made due with nothing too, so what's their excuse??? My children will never ever go without health insurance, no matter what the circumstances. Thanks for bringing this up...hopefully it will open some eyes!

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