Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Question about state health insurance?

I'm pregnant and have health insurance through my husbands employer but I was wondering if I qualify for the state health insurance and got it as a secondary would I lose it after I have my baby or is it 6 months a year? I have a few dental things I need done and it's very expensive I can't afford to get it all done and would want to wait until after I have my baby so I was just wondering if anyone knew.. I won't waste my time applying if it won't do me any good...
Just to clarify, do you mean something like Medicaid when you say state health insurance? Anyway, it may depend in large part on what state you live in. I know that in TX that if you qualify (which is based off of income and then bills you have to pay) that you can get Medicaid as a secondary insurance to pay for costs that your regular insurance will not cover. I would think that since Medicaid is a federal goverment program that it should be at least similar in the other states as well, but the best thing to do would be to call your local office or look for their website and ask them your questions. They're going to be a lot more knowledgeable than anybody else. EDIT: Medicaid covers you during and immediately after your pregnancy for any pregnancy/birth related issues or visits. After the Dr. clears you and says everything is fine then you are no longer covered. As far as adding your child, he/she is covered for their first year of life and either you will get help filling out paperwork at the hospital or you will have to go into the insurance office to fill out more paperwork to get him covered.

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