Sunday, July 31, 2011

Teeth feeling wierd?

Ok about a week ago I was telling my g/f that my gums bleed. She said not good and told me to start brushing, flossing and using listerene twice a day, I have followed this regiment and now my gums don't bleed when I brush anymore, but lately my teeth have felt very tight and some of the teeth feel kinda loose. it isn't much but it moves like less then a millimeter and cannot always repeat it. I was just wondering if my gums are kinda of retracting after being swollen all though it was never really bad to begin with. Any idea what maybe going on? I know most of you will say go to a dentist but I do not have dental insurance.
Warning signs that you HAVE to see a dentist: *gums are red, and/or noticeably receeding back from teeth *drainage of pus around any tooth *tooth changing color (gray or brown) *pain in or near a tooth that is worse when you drink hot or cold liquids *obvious cavity (dark spot) Otherwise - you might be brushing too hard, try either using an electric toothbrush, or only hold the toothbrush with your thumb and two fingers. Some people are sensitive to listerene (all the alcohol), try a different brand with less/no alcohol. Also, use a toothpaste for sensitive teeth for 2-3 weeks and see if that helps.

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