I have an abscessed tooth. I don't have dental insurance and i have no idea if and where there is somewhere i can get immediate care. it is painful and gives me headaches. Should i go to the ER? or is there another place?
Find a dental school, or college in your area. They offer no, or low cost care as their students, who are supervised, do most of the work. It helps them learn, and helps you save money. If that doesn't work, go to the emergency room at a hospital. Your condition sounds serious and could threaten your overall health, so a hospital might help you. Call a few hospitals, first, to find one that might help. Finally, there might be a dentist in your area willing to help you out through a payment plan or for a nominal fee. Good luck. Drink ginger tea in the meantime, and rub the area with aloe gel from the plant to kill bacteria.
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