Sunday, May 8, 2011

Question about divorce and insurance...?

Prior to us getting married, my husband was on a county health program (for free healthcare and rx coverage)...and because I have excellent benefits, I added him to my medical, dental, vision and rx insurance I get through the company I work for. To be honest, I was afraid that due to my income, it would be considered fraud for him to accept free health coverage when my benefits were offered to him...this has increased my premium $100 extra out of each paycheck. Now he and I have only been married since Feb 15 of this year but heading towards divorce now. And he just informed me he went to the doctor (but his doctor is out of network so my health insurance company will not pay for it) which means he MUST be using that old, county health program. I am afraid they might get us both for fraud. And the other thing, I am having to pay for his premiums (and my benefits center won't allow me to make any changes to my benefits unless I get a divorce)...cont...
you can ask for it but if he was getting free everything ! well it will be hard...... also you need to get a legal seperation so you don't get any more bills..... about the fraud issue go to the place where he got free help and tell them the story ... it's best to do that than have them find out ... that way you look better in this issue!

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