Saturday, May 28, 2011

Treating gum disease and a wisdom tooth?

2 - 3 months ago, I went to a dentist that actually knew what they were doing. They told me that I may have gum disease because of my bleeding gums. They said they were going to treat it one appointment after my fillings, but I never went back. The reason is that my insurance can't cover the dental visit. Also, I have 2 wisdom teeth growing in and I'm afraid that it will only add to my gum problem. I feel like I'm stuck and I don't know what to do.
Good home care is a start. Make sure you brush at least twice a day (preferably after each meal if possible). More importantly, make sure you floss at least once a day!!! Use an antiseptic mouthwash such as Listerine twice a day or rinse with hydrogen peroxide/water after brushing. Your gums will continue to bleed for some time, but should improve gradually. The hydrogen peroxide rinse should help with the bleeding. It will also help to consider changing your diet. Try to avoid sweets as much as possible. Improved oral hygiene and diet should give you some immediate improvements. The area around an Impacted wisdom tooth or those that are just now growing in can be hard to keep clean. Many stores carry special sort of small interdental brushes and scalars that help keep those sort of areas clean. I would buy some of those and make sure you keep the wisdom teeth area clean.

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